Axem Accepted into Prestigious HAX Hardware Startup Program

Axem Neurotechnology Inc. is thrilled to announce our acceptance into the HAX Seed Program, a highly esteemed hardware startup accelerator. Our team, including co-founders Tony Ingram and Chris Friesen, will be heading to Shenzhen, China, starting March 1st, 2018, to participate in this intensive program.

The HAX program is renowned for its focus on hard tech solutions addressing significant challenges in human and planetary health. Its approach goes beyond traditional startup models, emphasizing hands-on engagement and comprehensive support in engineering, business development, fundraising, design, and marketing. Being part of this program is a significant opportunity for us at Axem Neurotechnology to inflect our technical progress and scale our operations globally with the help of HAX's team of engineers and investment partners.

We are excited to immerse ourselves in the globally diverse community of HAX founders and mentors, leveraging their insights and experiences to enhance our neurotechnology solutions. This acceptance is a testament to the potential of our work at Axem Neurotechnology, and we look forward to the transformative experiences and growth opportunities this program will offer.

Tony Ingram