Axem Publishes New Research on Brain Activity Measurement in Stroke Survivors

Axem Neurotechnology Inc. is excited to share news of our latest peer-reviewed publication published today in the open access journal Frontiers of Human Neuroscience. This study marks an important advancement in our exploration of brain activity in individuals recovering from stroke.

In simple terms, our research focused on using a special headband to measure brain activity in people who have had a stroke. These individuals used their affected arm to perform basic movements while at home. Our study found that the headband could successfully measure changes in brain activity related to these movements. This is a big step in understanding how the brain recovers after a stroke.

Our findings show that this type of brain activity measurement at home is possible and could provide valuable insights. While we continue our research, we are enthusiastic about the potential this technology holds for the future.

The full article is available here:

Tony Ingram